OK, I’ll admit it, this page is nothing but a shameless chance for me to collate nice things people have said about my live-tweeting (though these days it’s more about people saying “oh, Vicky’s going to be in that room, she’ll be live tweeting it so I can go to the other one instead!”). Sue me.
RT @bjkraal: As usual, @vickytnz is *killing it* with the live-blogging, this time at #wordcampnz |< I agree, her tweets are my notes 🙂
— ajay murthy (@ajaystwtr) August 6, 2010
@vickytnz You will be flown back to NZ for Wcamp 2011… for twittytickytacky … where do i start the flight fund ? @wordcampnz
— zʎqqǝZ#Zebbyz (@Zebbyz) August 8, 2010
Never seen someone aggregate news as quickly as @vicktnz at #wordcampnz . #legend
— Peter (@peteinakl) August 7, 2010
With @vickytnz doing all the detailed tweeting I get to focus on the snark. Sweeeeet. #euroia
— Boon Sheridan (@boonerang) September 23, 2011
@Zebbyz oh totally, she's a zenmaster at it. @vickytnz at one with the live tweeting.
— Haunani Pao (@HaunaniPao) February 14, 2012
Wondering if @vickytnz's fingers will be nothing but bloody nubs by the time #UXLx is over.
— Nick Finck (@nickf) May 13, 2011
I experienced first hand @vickytnz live conference tweeting at #wordcampnz Great post on how she performed her magic
— Sam P (@booleanvalue) August 9, 2010
.@vickytnz should be comped at every UX conference. Her livetweeting is second to none.
— Dan B. (@brownorama) May 13, 2011
agreeing with this wholeheartedly RT @brownorama: .@vickytnz should be comped at every UX conference. Her livetweeting is second to none.
— Tim Caynes (@timcaynes) May 13, 2011
+1. Agree. RT @brownorama: .@vickytnz should be comped at every UX conference. Her livetweeting is second to none.
— Lynne Polischuik (@lynneux) May 13, 2011
@vickytnz I wish someone paid you to livetweet as well – that was awesome! Good job on catching all the links I referenced, impressive 🙂
— Al Abut (@alabut) February 12, 2010
@vickytnz Lady, you are a live tweet machine! #uxaustralia Thank you for sharing.
— Livia Labate (@livlab) August 25, 2010