Onward and Upward ....

A few local people may know this already, but this post is to formally announce that after a crazy set of events, I'm headed off in a couple of months (if all the paperwork comes through) to the UK, namely Newcastle, to do a funded PhD at the University of Northumbria on the future of tangible interaction in relation to mobile devices (admittedly, that's the layman's version, if you want more information feel free to get in contact.

So, for all my fellow Kiwis, I'll be looking to catch up with you in the next couple of months before I go, and for those in the UK and Europe, I'll hope to see you soon! As things currently stand (I'm waiting for visa work etc to come through with bated breath, does anyone else get paranoid that something will go wrong with these things?) I'll be off sometime mid-September.

Also, in more important matters – my work is looking for the new me, namely an interaction designer/IA (full time or contract), with an interest in owning the IxD process and helping small companies and primary industry understand. More info will be coming shortly, but please feel free to get in contact if you think you'd be interested. Locus has been great to me, and I'd highly recommend the place if you're interested in being able to lead as a designer, and also would like to be involved with sustainable design.



Image from http://www.brianmicklethwait.com/culture/archives/design/ I know of a cooler one related to design from MAID but don't think I'm allowed to show that one, soz.